"GlycoVision results featured at ESMO 2024: read the interview here to learn how InterVenn is powering new prognostic and predictive biomarkers!
Now Open!

Glycoproteomic Innovator Grant

InterVenn Biosciences is pleased to announce the inaugural Glycoproteomic Innovator Grant, and is welcoming applications from July 8 to August 16, 2024.

This award is an exciting opportunity for academic researchers to utilize our powerful GlycoVision™ Platform to uncover invaluable insights into the mechanisms of health and disease. See our publications to understand how glycoproteomics is a powerful new lens to look at disease.

Combining advanced techniques in mass spectrometry, biochemistry and artificial intelligence with bioinformatics tools, we explore how proteins are glycosylated and how these modifications affect protein function. Together, we can discover a spectrum of novel, high-performing biomarkers to revolutionize our understanding of disease diagnosis, progression, pathways and therapeutic response.

Apply now and tell us what research questions you want to answer with this project.

Award Details

Grant recipients will be awarded with up to 200 human serum or plasma samples to be processed on the GlycoVision biomarker discovery targeted panel, together with an annotated data deliverable.

Submission Guidelines

Applicants should submit a short proposal of 500 words or less, outlining a pilot research project which uses the GlycoVision Platform.

All applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • The overall impact to the field of study
  • The originality of the proposal, clarity of goals and outcomes
  • A clear approach and design which matches the goals and outcomes
  • A description of how the glycoproteomic data and analysis are intended to be used
  • What the next steps that the researcher intends to take with this additional knowledge
  • How the GlycoVision data increases insight into health and disease for their given focus area

Apply Today!


Submission Timeline

July 8, 2024
Application Window Opens

August 16, 2024
Application Window Closes

August 30, 2024
Winner Announced

October 25, 2024
Samples Due

Eligibility Requirements

  • All applicants must be U.S. based and belong to an academic institution or non-profit research foundation. The research must be sponsored by that institution.
  • Research teams who already use the GlycoVision platform are not eligible to apply.
  • All submissions must be in English and comply with the guidelines outlined here in this guide.
  • The samples to be processed on the GlycoVision platform need to be available and meet certain criteria (see below).
  • Study proposals which are creative, bring new insight to health and disease, and have potential to lead to longer term studies are highly considered.

Sample Requirements

  • Grant recipients should provide, by October 25, 2024, up to 200 human serum or plasma samples to be run on the GlycoVision Platform.
  • Samples must be a minimum of 100uL each and be stored in temperature resistant, non-protein binding tubes.
  • Serum or plasma needs to be prepared, aliquoted and frozen prior to shipping.
  • Samples should have no or minimal hemolysis or lipemia.
  • Metadata, delivery and labeling requirements will be discussed with the winners.


  • The application submission deadline is August 16, 2024. Any submissions made after this date will not be accepted.
  • All application materials must be non-confidential.
  • All grant recipients will be required to execute a standard confidentiality agreement and a grant agreement.
  • Samples will be run on the GlycoVision platform by Intervenn Biosciences.
  • Grant recipients will be announced on August 30, 2024, by email and social media (Twitter, LinkedIn).
  • Grant recipients consent to their academic institution’s name and logo being used for promotional purposes under this grant program.
  • It is expected that the grant recipient and InterVenn will jointly present the results from the proposed study in one or more publications or abstracts within 12 months of the collection of data.

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